Borrowed from Diary Of A Mom...
Great idea!!
"We have a trip coming up. A kinda big one. The kind with a lot of moving parts and the need for a fair amount of prep in order to make it successful for little Miss. I’ve been talking to friends and accumulating advice to help smooth our way.
Of all the tips that I gathered (like ‘When there are two queues and you have to choose between the right and the left, always choose left’. You’re welcome.) my favorite is the paper chain.
Brooke does very well – OK, she does well – traveling, but after more than one night away from home she begins to get anxious. No matter how much she may be enjoying the trip, she has trouble understanding how long we will be there and when we will be coming home.
Years ago, I started drawing out calendars. As soon as we reach our destination, we sit down together and map out our days. I draw in the plane or the car or the boat that got us to our destination and another on the day that we will be heading home. Each day, we write in our plans and each evening we mark off another day’s passing. Each and every day we count the days left and talk together about when we’ll be going home.
It has helped immensely, but it still isn’t perfect. Enter the paper chain.
In a conversation earlier this week, my friend Carrie shared what she did for her little guy on their last vacation. Instead of a calendar, she made him a good old-fashioned construction paper chain. Each day of their trip was represented by a link. After each day was over, its link was removed. The chain got smaller and smaller as the week went by.
I can’t tell you how much I love the simple brilliance of this idea. My girl NEEDS a way to see the days passing. She needs a tangible representation of how much longer the trip will last and when we will be headed home. She can see the chain. She can touch it and feel it and hold it. She can even decorate the links or draw the day’s activities on them. She can control it. The possibilities are endless.
And even better, it can be used in any situation where time or patience are an issue. Waiting room? The links can represent five-minute increments. Days before school starts at the end of the summer? Got it covered."
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Me thinking out loud... I wonder why you turn your voice on when you say P's and T's at the beginning but not at the end?! I wonder if you can hear the difference? Pig. Big.
little boy J... Yep I hea da diffwince but you-a speet wady so you dan figure it out.
little boy J... Yep I hea da diffwince but you-a speet wady so you dan figure it out.
sounds of my days...
1. This child may or may not have Selective Mutism. I've seen her for 15 visits and these are the first true sounds that have managed to escape her little mouth.... I almost cried. Ignore my stupid voice...
2. This little girl has a huge vocabulary and imagination but a very small phonetic inventory...
3. No idea what he actually said...
4. Not really sure about this one either...
2. This little girl has a huge vocabulary and imagination but a very small phonetic inventory...
3. No idea what he actually said...
4. Not really sure about this one either...
Friday, May 20, 2011
One of my sweet (8 year old) patients told me yesterday how much he loves to watch NBC13 news and specifically the weather with Jerry Tracey so we made this homework sheet together...
Monday, April 18, 2011
Easter Eggs
My therapy kids LOVE hunting Easter Eggs!
Text borrowed from: Speech Therapy Ideas
What’s fun, inexpensive, and versatile for therapy activities? Plastic Easter eggs! All of the ages I work with (from 3 to 19 years old) enjoy our egg games. It could be that I make prizes part of the activities or just that it’s something we only do for about one week each year. Whatever the reason, we all have a great time in the sessions.
What goes into the eggs?
Depending on the child or group you are working with, you can change the stimuli (pictures, words, directions to follow, etc.) and prizes that go into the plastic eggs. For example, for young children, I cut out stickers to put in some of the eggs. For older students, I put papers in the eggs that say “pick again”, “candy”, or “extra point”.
What do you do with the eggs?
Here are a few different ways that you can use the eggs in your sessions.
There are only a few more days to enter and activate your email address to receive the next monthly email. It will have instructions and free printable materials that are delivered right to your inbox. Sign up now.
Text borrowed from: Speech Therapy Ideas
What’s fun, inexpensive, and versatile for therapy activities? Plastic Easter eggs! All of the ages I work with (from 3 to 19 years old) enjoy our egg games. It could be that I make prizes part of the activities or just that it’s something we only do for about one week each year. Whatever the reason, we all have a great time in the sessions.
What goes into the eggs?
Depending on the child or group you are working with, you can change the stimuli (pictures, words, directions to follow, etc.) and prizes that go into the plastic eggs. For example, for young children, I cut out stickers to put in some of the eggs. For older students, I put papers in the eggs that say “pick again”, “candy”, or “extra point”.
What do you do with the eggs?
Here are a few different ways that you can use the eggs in your sessions.
1. Egg Hunt – Before the session begins, hide the eggs around the room. Have the child or children hunt for the eggs and put them in a bowl. When all the eggs have been found, they open the eggs one at a time, saying the target word or following the directions on the paper inside the egg. Finding prizes in random eggs keeps it fun and exciting. If time allows, let the child(ren) hide the eggs for the next group or client.
2. Pick a Good Egg – Have the clients take turns picking eggs from a big bowl or basket. They say the target word or sentence or get a prize like in the Egg Hunt game.
3. Up, Down, and All Around – Plastic eggs can also be used for working on prepositions. For a receptive task, place a few eggs relative to an object (e.g., on, in, next to) and have the child point to the one that is in the place you describe. For an expressive task, place one egg relative to an object, and have the child tell you where the egg is (e.g., “in the basket”).
There are only a few more days to enter and activate your email address to receive the next monthly email. It will have instructions and free printable materials that are delivered right to your inbox. Sign up now.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Phonological Awareness
Lesson 1 – Listening
Understand what we use when we listen.
Recommended book:
The Ear Book – Dr. Seuss
What to do:
- Talk about what we actually do when we listen.
- Stress the behaviors that show how well we are listening:
- Eye contact
- Sitting still
- Responding appropriately
- Discuss how fidgeting, talking to a friend and not paying attention interfere with listening.
Lesson 2 – Make some noise!
Focus listening/attending behavior
Become aware of a variety of ways to make soundsFollow directions to start/stop noisemaking
Recommended materials:
drums, bells, horns, pots/pans, game buzzer, toys that talk
What to do:
- Talk about the different ways we can make noise (clapping, snapping, stomping, mouth noises, etc.)
- Talk about how we can turn them on and off.
- Make some noise together and then say “off” or “stop”
- They may not respond right away. Calmly, say it again. You may also want to use a hand motion or a picture of stop sign.
- Practice until the child learns to respond quickly and appropriately to the commands.
Lesson 3 – Hearing Sounds
Learn that objects and people make sound
Learn that there are many different types of sounds
Encourage children to respond to verbal cues
Learn that you hear sounds
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Autism Blogs:
**These are just some favorites and suggestions. Each of these websites has multiple links to other blogs and sites. Feel free to wander. The ideas and concepts presented are not always representative of me as a therapist. Please consult your physician, pediatrician, or therapists before attempting any ideas or treatments with your child.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Visual Scheduling
5 Tips for Effective Visual Scheduling for Individuals with Autism
April 2010- Phrase schedules loosely
Presenting schedules with less rigid definitions will help individuals with autism learn to be less rigid with the schedule. Try things like "Today we'll probably..." or "This afternoon we may..." Use this more loosely phrased language verbally, and in print and/or symbols on the schedule. - Make a conscious decision to cover and/or remove symbols
Covering a symbol represents a less permanent removal of a schedule item versus actually removing (item from the schedule. (Most likely your "removable" schedule items will be adhered with Velcro.) Hide a symbol when you want the individual to focus on something else. Remove a symbol when that schedule item is over or is no longer going to happen. - Introduce the concept of time span schedules
Often when we use time in schedules, we build in very little buffer. If an event doesn't begin when the clock on the schedule suggests, the individual with autism may have a difficult time. Using time span schedules links schedules to the time, but also builds in some buffer - for the normal events of life that may present some delays to our schedules. - Don't stop being visual
Remember to continue to represent your schedule visually - even if things change. Let's say an event is not going to happen as planned. Verbally describe this change to the student but also be sure the visual schedule reflects the change. This may mean removing a schedule item and replacing it with an alternative. - Color code to add meaning
Implement creative, and more importantly - meaningful, use of color coding on schedules and/or calendars. Want to signify that Saturday and Sunday are "Stay at home days"? Color code the border of those buttons the same color as a student's house. Does a student have speech therapy every Thursday? Color code those buttons with the color of the SLPs hair, for example!
This is a fantastic video presentation about visual scheduling for autism. Anyone can watch it. I’ve printed out the powerpoint slides that go along with it as they are very informative too but the video is much more detailed. It’s about an hour long but you can stop and start it any time.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Saying No
Do’s and Don’ts of Saying “NO”
- Don’t be afraid to say “no” to your child.
- ALL children need discipline
- There are 3 types of “no”
- Regular – the answer is wrong “no”
- Very Loud – this “no” is very LOUD and is designed to be very unpleasant. This is typically used for something extremely unacceptable (hitting, hurting, running away)
- Assertive – This “no is to let your child know that their behavior is not acceptable to stop immediately. (“no throwing rocks”)
- Do be specific with your “no”
- Your child will not know what to stop doing unless you tell them.
- Do give them an alternative (“Stop jumping on the bed, let’s go outside and play.”)
- Do give them consequences… and follow through… every time! – Children know an empty threat when they hear it.
- Don’t send mixed messages
- Use your tone of voice and facial expression to ensure that:
- Your positives must be unmistakably positive
- Your negatives must be unmistakably negative (no laughing at their bad behavior)
- Do be consistent
- As with all discipline, consistency is key.
- Your child must know that you mean what you say.
- Don’t bribe your child to get good behavior
- Good behavior should be the standard, not the exception
- Do remember your roles.
- You are the parent.
- He/She is the child.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Time Out
Even kids with special needs need discipline!!
Step 1: Make House Rules
Time Out Method
Step 1: Make House Rules
- Identify acceptable and unacceptable behaviors in your house. Make a list of the rules and post it on your refrigerator or other common area. Go over each rule with your child.
- Explain what will happen if he breaks a rule. (“If you hit me, you will go to time out.”) Then show him the designated spot to go to when he is in time out.
- Do not make your time-out spot in a place where he eats, plays, or sleeps.
- Get down to his eye level and make eye contact.
- Tell him what he did and that it was unacceptable in a firm but not loud voice.
- Warn him that if he does it again he will go to the time-out chair/spot.
- Get down to his eye level and make eye contact.
- Tell him what he did and that it was unacceptable in a firm but not loud voice.
- Take him directly to the time-out spot and sit him down.
- It is helpful to use a kitchen timer that beeps during this step. Tell him that he can get up when he hears the beep.
- The length of time-out is 1 minute per age (3 years = 3 minutes).
- When the time out is over have him apologize to the people involved in his behavior.
- Take him back to the time out spot and sit him down every time and restart the timer.
- He has to know that he will be taken back no matter what.
- Children need “time-in” just as much as “time-out”. “Time-in” is a time of interactive play and attention that lets your child know that you care and you love them. Because many children use misbehavior as a way to get attention, the more “time-in” you have, the less “time-out” you’ll have to use.
- Be CONSISTENT. “No” means “no”.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Starting the Sign for “More”
- The sign for “more” is tapping your finger tips together in a group
- This sign can be used in many activities at home including:
- Play Time (more blocks, more bubbles)
- Meal Time (more bite, more drink)
- Any interaction with your child that would include requesting
- At first, your child may not spontaneously use this sign. Instead, put your hands over theirs and “help” them make the sign.
- Keep your language very simple. Don’t use 10 words when 3 will do.
- Always use the spoken word along with the sign.
- Always reward your child for using the sign (verbal praise, another bite, etc)
- Be consistent with when you use the sign. If you use it with meal time, ALWAYS use it with meal time.
- Make it FUN!!
Monday, March 21, 2011
S: When ah we going to wuk on ah's (R's)?
Me: Why do you want to work on R's?
S: Because that's what we ah wuking on at feech (speech) class (at school).
Me: Let's get those s blends under control first.
S: Oooookay
Me: Why do you want to work on R's?
S: Because that's what we ah wuking on at feech (speech) class (at school).
Me: Let's get those s blends under control first.
S: Oooookay
Sign Language
Helpful Hints for Using Sign Language with Your Child
- Be Consistent – this is probably the most important thing to remember. Consistency – from the very beginning of your signing experience with your child – will be the most helpful to you both and essential for your success. Use the same sign and she will be able to sign it back to you sooner. Don’t kill yourself trying to learn an entire signed language in a week, however – concentrate on a few to a handful of signs and build from there.
- Be Happy – Frowning and bored voices will not make a child eager to sign.
- Be Open to Interpretation – Children will not always make a sign correctly the first time they sign it, just like they won’t speak a word correctly the first time they speak it. Keep signing the word the correct way and your child will soon grow more precise as he matures and his fine motor skills improve.
- Be Open to Suggestion – Sometimes a child will create a sign for herself. Feel free to continue using it, and applaud her creativity. You can also easily adapt a made-up sign to a more formal sign (such as ASL) just as you would encourage her with proper speech. Acknowledge your child when she uses her invented sign and model back with the ASL version. She will soon “correct” herself.
- Be Full of Praise – Act excited when the child uses a sign correctly, and let your child know how wonderful you think he is.
- Be Expressive – Use your face and body in addition to your hands. You should also always say the word as you sign it. Alter the tone of your voice depending on the context. Make it sound fun and interesting.
- Be Varied – Not as in the sign of course, but as in the places you sign. Don’t just sign at home, for example, or when company’s around, or when you’re not in the public eye. Signing with your child works best when it’s worked into your life as a natural means of communication instead of something you only do part of the time or only in certain places.
- Be Patient – Children can take weeks or even months before they make their first sign. And sometimes even when they’ve done a sign correctly for days and even months, they may stop using it. Keep on doing what you are doing and eventually they will get back on track.
- Be Prepared and Amazed – Your child will open your eyes to his world and it’s a great place to be!!
Advantages of signing with your child:
Infants taught sign language:
- Can communicate wants and needs to their caregivers at an early age
- Will have an earlier understanding of the English language
- May learn to speak earlier
- Could have an above-average ability later in life to learn a new language
- May possibly have a higher IQ
Parents who sign with their children may experience:
- Lower frustration levels (for parent and child) because the child can communicate with you
- Deeper bonding with their child because they have greater insight into their baby’s mind
- A higher level of trust from their child because he/she knows that you understand them
- Satisfaction. What a great feeling it is to know that you can effectively communicate with your pre-verbal infant!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Great Books
- Great books for kids involve lots of repetition!!!
- Books can inspire your children, expand their imaginations, and help them become better learners
- Create a “literacy rich home” – This describes a home environment that encourages children to become lifelong readers. Families can support language learning by creating an atmosphere in which reading, writing, and talking are a natural part of daily life.
- Here’s a list to get your child’s library started:
Are You My Mother?
Baby Faces
Brown Bear, Brown Bear
Chicken Soup with Rice
Do You Want To Be My Friend?
Duck by the Sea
Fire! Fire! Said Mrs. McGuire
Good Night, Mr. Bettle
Goodnight Moon
Have You Seen My Cat?
Henny Penny
I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly
I See a Cow
If You Give A Mouse a Muffin
If You Give A Mouse a Cookie
If You Give A Pig a Pancake
Is Your Mama A Llama?
It Looked Like Spilt Milk
Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear?
Jump Frog, Jump
Lello the Lion
Leo the Late Bloomer
Love You Forever
Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?
My First Baby Signs
Owl Moon
Panda Bear, Panda Bear
Pat the Bunny
Polar Bear, Polar Bear
Rooster’s Off to See the World
Shapes and Colors
Sheep in a Jeep
She’ll Be Comin’ Round the Mountain
Silly Sally
Stop, Thief!
The Braggin’ Dragon
The Gingerbread Man
The Jacket I Wear In the Snow
The Snowy Day
The Three Little Pigs
The Very Busy Spider
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
The Wheels on the Bus
Today Is Monday
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
Zaza the Zebra
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