Time Out Method
Step 1: Make House Rules
- Identify acceptable and unacceptable behaviors in your house. Make a list of the rules and post it on your refrigerator or other common area. Go over each rule with your child.
- Explain what will happen if he breaks a rule. (“If you hit me, you will go to time out.”) Then show him the designated spot to go to when he is in time out.
- Do not make your time-out spot in a place where he eats, plays, or sleeps.
- Get down to his eye level and make eye contact.
- Tell him what he did and that it was unacceptable in a firm but not loud voice.
- Warn him that if he does it again he will go to the time-out chair/spot.
- Get down to his eye level and make eye contact.
- Tell him what he did and that it was unacceptable in a firm but not loud voice.
- Take him directly to the time-out spot and sit him down.
- It is helpful to use a kitchen timer that beeps during this step. Tell him that he can get up when he hears the beep.
- The length of time-out is 1 minute per age (3 years = 3 minutes).
- When the time out is over have him apologize to the people involved in his behavior.
- Take him back to the time out spot and sit him down every time and restart the timer.
- He has to know that he will be taken back no matter what.
- Children need “time-in” just as much as “time-out”. “Time-in” is a time of interactive play and attention that lets your child know that you care and you love them. Because many children use misbehavior as a way to get attention, the more “time-in” you have, the less “time-out” you’ll have to use.
- Be CONSISTENT. “No” means “no”.
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